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The Benefits of Flexible Packaging

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In terms of its definition, plastic film is a continuous thin polymeric material. The thicker form is often called a sheet. The purpose of these thin membranes is to hold and separate items, and they also provide a printable surface. Many products are packaged in flexible packaging to increase their shelf life. Besides, these materials reduce energy costs. Read on to learn more about the benefits of flexible packaging. And be sure to check out the Packaging Film website for more information.

Flexible packaging extends the shelf life of many products

Food waste is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gases, and according to the Natural Resources Defense Council, up to 40% of all food sold in the U.S. is wasted. However, flexible packaging helps to decrease food waste by extending the shelf life of many products. It extends the life of vegetables, fruits, and meats, reducing food waste by 0.8 percent. The FPA is exploring opportunities to better communicate these benefits to the public.

The benefits of flexible packaging are numerous. It's lightweight and easy to open and close, and many products can be easily grabbed or stored in it. Consumers appreciate this convenience, which means more sales for brands. Furthermore, it uses materials that control temperatures and transfer of gases. The result is better food safety. Foods can be stored safely in these containers, and a barrier material can protect them from moisture, sunlight, and other contaminants.

It reduces energy consumption

In addition to reducing waste, Stretchable Packaging Films reduce energy consumption and waste. RKW, a market leader in stretchable packaging films, has introduced an innovative solution that allows shrink film to pe woven fabric be stretched over palletized goods before it is shrink-wrapped. Its solution cuts materials by more than 10%, reduces user costs, and contributes to the company's sustainability objectives. Shrink films are used in palletizing to secure goods during transport and protect them from weather and contamination. They are named as such because they can stretch to conform to the shape of palletized goods.

The process of melting and cooling of the film reduces energy consumption by up to 70%. Various material optimization techniques are used by packaging film manufacturers to lower energy consumption. Moreover, these techniques are beneficial to the manufacturing of injection-molded products and thick sheet products. It reduces energy consumption in the process by using less heat. Moreover, it saves a lot of material, reducing the energy consumption of the packaging process.

It is greener

A recent Greener Corp. video provides an overview of the differences between conventional and sustainable packaging films. In addition to highlighting differences in production processes, the video also explains how sustainable materials are different from conventional ones. For example, some films are thicker than others and may require a different sealing temperature range than conventional ones. This information can help you choose the right film for your application. A greener, more sustainable film will benefit the environment and your business, so be sure to research the pros and cons of each before purchasing.

For one, commercially compostable film is easier to use than traditional plastic wrap and is much easier to work with. Other green alternatives are available in the market. One such example is Cortec Eco Works(r) 10 Film, which eliminates plastic waste in the boutique industry and is more user friendly than plastic wrap. For businesses and consumers alike, the environmental benefits of using environmentally friendly film are clear: less plastic means fewer waste and less pollution.

It is cost-effective

When choosing packaging film, cost is one of the determining factors. The "cradle-to-grave" approach to package economics takes into account the total cost of a product from resin supply to consumer use and disposal. Cost savings from using less packaging film can offset the higher cost per pound by obtaining gains during the converting and packaging process. In some cases, the total cost can be further reduced by employing greener packaging methods, such as reducing the number of pallets and trucks required to transport a product.

When it comes to packaging film, the choice can seem daunting, especially for those just starting out in the field. Global information can easily make packaging students and newcomers alike confused about which materials and techniques to use. To help you make an informed decision, Kerri Boyens, product manager at Torayfan(r) Division, explains film types, packaging structures, lamination design, and end use. Once you understand the basics of packaging film, you can use them to maximize their benefits.

It is environmentally friendly

Considering how to make your Packaging Film more environment-friendly? Using bio-films is the way to go. These materials are recyclable and help reduce your company's carbon footprint. Not to mention, bio-films are also environmentally friendly, allowing you to recycle them along with normal poly scraps. Here are some reasons to use bio-based packaging films:

Eco-friendly films are made from sustainable resources like corn, wheat, and bamboo. The resulting packaging is more recyclable and requires fewer resources than its counterparts. It also emits less greenhouse gases than conventional packaging materials. Compostable film is also another environmentally-friendly option. The packaging film you use should be recyclable. This way, you'll be doing your part to help the environment in the process. Once you've recycled it, you can use the film as compost.

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